Thursday, April 01, 2004

OK, I'm attempting to switch from AOL to blogspot, so I'm cutting & pasting in my first message from my original blog, to get a feel for how things work --

reasons for blogging....

I've always been awful at keeping a journal. I start out all gung-ho, thinking I'll write every night and meticulously chronicle my life. I buy special tea to sip while I write and spend hours buying pretty little pens in a rainbow of colors. It works well for the first few nights and then I have a busy day or a tired day or just an ordinary day, and I forget to write. Then I forget again. Next thing you know, I'm ripping out little chunks of paper to use for phone messages and grocery lists. So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not expecting much from this experiment, but right now, anything that keeps me from playing Spider Solitaire addictively can't be a bad idea. And okay, so I'm not working on that short story that I promised myself I'd finish last month, but at least I'm doing something writing-related. Right? Right?

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